Warranty Management Solution for the Mattress Industry
Today’s mattress market is big business with the global mattress market currently valued at around $81 billion. As the mattress industry is moving to an increasingly D2C model, it becomes imperative for mattress brands to develop a solution that will help them bring customers to their website and remarket and retain them. A hassle-free warranty management solution is the most important service a warranty brand can offer to their customers to build trust and stay ahead of their competitors.
Are you looking for these features in a Warranty Management Software for your mattress brand?
- Access to data of your Amazon/ retail end customers
- The ability to bring retail customers to your website.
- Unparalleled warranty claims experience for your end customers.
- Warranty claims tracking
- Elimination of fraud/ expired claims
If yes, NeuroWarranty is a Digital Warranty Management Software that has helped leading mattress brands like Flo, Sleep Ayurveda, Syska, and 100+ leading brands achieve these results in no time.
How has NeuroWarranty helped Mattress brands with its Digital Warranty Management Solution?
Introduction - Helping Flo develop a hassle-free warranty experience for their end-users.
Flo focuses on providing best in class mattresses to its consumers since its inception. Flo aims to become the biggest mattress brand in India and change the industry by making it customer-centric and taking it truly D2C.
What were the issues Flo was facing?
- A difficult warranty claims process for end customers
- Not being able to cross-sell, upsell to existing customers.
- High warranty-related costs.
- Increased Fraudulent Claims.
- Hassle in managing product warranties for multiple SKUs.
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