5 questions to ask before choosing a warranty management solution

In this article, We've explore five questions you can ask before choosing a warranty management solution. Give it a read .. Is the warranty solution easy to use for customers? Customer experience has overtaken price and product has the top deciding factor if customers retain or not, so while choosing a warranty management solution, make sure to have customer experience as the top deciding factor. The current warranty process most brands use is having a physical warranty card inside the product packaging, and whenever a customer wants to claim a warranty, they have to bring the warranty card to a retail outlet and verify their claim. This makes claiming a warranty a hassle-filled process for your customers, leading to a large dropout rate. With the help of NeuroWarranty, registering for a warranty claim becomes much simpler. Customers can register for a warranty by simply scanning a QR code placed on your product and entering the purchase details. Once registered, customers no long...